If you ever wanted to worship at the “South Lawn,” next Sunday is the closest opportunity you may ever get! See below for “next Sunday’s worship plans.”
But first, a recap from last Sunday. That morning, as I watched the rain come down steadily, I wondered if anyone would come to the service. So, it was deeply moving for me to see God’s people arrive, and to sense our single-mindedness as we gathered in the cold rain to seek the LORD and to worship His Name. To come for a parking lot service on a pleasant sunny day is one thing, but to gather on a rainy, chilly morning is something altogether different. In addition to the many who gathered in person, there were many others, unable to attend, who gathered for worship online at our pre-recorded service. With all of this in view, I was reminded of the passage in Acts that describes the early church as gathering together with “one mind” (Acts 2:46).
It was deeply moving for me to see God’s people arrive, and to sense our single-mindedness as we gathered in the cold rain to seek the LORD and to worship His Name.

Sunday, May 24, 11:00 a.m., we plan to worship in the south parking lot, lawn area. Come between 10:15-10:45 to get a parking space. The details are similar to last week:
- If you or your family are ill, we ask that you please stay at home on that day.
- If you are unable to come, or uncomfortable in doing so, we understand. Please worship with us by accessing the pre-recorded sermon on our website homepage (scrolling banner, available at 11:00 a.m.). Please note that the sermon online is the same as is being preached at the live service.
- Parking lot attendants will direct the flow of traffic into and out of our parking lot.
- To free up parking spaces, please come in as few vehicles as will accommodate your family.
- Printed copies of song lyrics, sermon notes, and kids resources will be handed to each car.
- If you would rather not accept printed materials, feel free to decline.
- The service is planned to last just under an hour.
- The singing and preaching will be transmitted to your car radio. The specific frequency will be announced at the time of the service.
- There will be no need for you to step out of your vehicle during the service.
- It is not required for you to stay in your vehicle.
- If you choose to step out, please respect those who desire social distancing.
- Bathrooms will be available in the building, monitored and sanitized by attendants.
- There will be no childcare, however children are welcome to be at the service with their parents.
- Masks are not required.
- In case of rain, we plan to continue with our service.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases,” so let’s never forget His care!
In Christ,
Pastor Shawn