Children’s Ministries


The Awana Bible Club meets on Wednesday evenings, from 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm, September through April.  The purpose of Awana is to evangelize and disciple children. We pursue this objective through Bible teaching, memory verses, and prayer; as well as clearly presenting the gospel every week. Even the game portion of the ministry has biblical applications: helping children to learn such values as cooperation, mutual respect, following rules, doing their best, and perseverance. Awana seeks to establish a welcoming, supportive environment, where kids learn how a personal relationship with Christ affects their everyday lives.

  1. Puggles (2 – 3 years old); introduces biblical precepts.
  2. Cubbies (4 – 5 years old); develops respect for God, His Son, and His Word.
  3. Sparks (K – 2nd grade); focuses on the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation for knowing God.
  4. Truth-N-Training (3rd – 5th grade); helps to answer questions about the Bible, and who God is. Also, helps students to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.
  5. Trek & Journey (middle & high school); for students who want to continue on their own.


Nursery is offered on Sundays and Wednesday evenings.  Our infants and young children are warmly welcomed into the nursery where they play, snuggle, listen to a book and make friends.  Our two and three-year-old children take part in an enriched Sunday morning program and join our Children’s Church program for a time of singing, puppets and Bible lessons.  They also have the opportunity to wiggle and play with friends.

Children’s Church

Children’s Church meets during our main worship hour, 9:45-11:00. Our goal is to provide age-appropriate and loving instruction to some of our youngest attenders so that their parents can enjoy focused worship and instruction during the main worship service. Children’s church is designed for 2’s & 3’s through 1st graders. (Second grade and older attend the worship service with their parents.)

Children’s Church teachers and helpers use DiscipleLand preschool curriculum, focusing on Old and New Testament events and characters. This curriculum coordinates with our Sunday school hour, allowing our 2’s & 3’s and 4’s & 5’s to have two focused hours learning and reviewing well-known and loved stories from their Bibles.

During Children’s Church, students enjoy a variety of activities, including a song time, a puppet show (twice per month), a game time, their Bible lesson, a coloring activity, and a snack. While all the students are together during the song and puppet times, we do recognize a large age gap exists from 2 years old to 1st graders, so for their Bible lesson and game/play times, students return to their own classrooms to better focus on their lesson.

For students remaining for the Sunday School hour, our Children’s Church teachers remain with their class until the Sunday School teachers arrive, ensuring a smooth transition for our children.

Sunday School

The purpose of the Sunday school ministry at Jamestown Baptist Church is to assist parents in teaching their children, from 2’s and 3’s through 5th grade, the Word of God in an age-appropriate context. Our Sunday School teachers and helpers love kids and desire to share the love of Christ in a safe, welcoming environment. We use DiscipleLand Sunday School curriculum, which focuses on “building disciples,” and provides a good biblical foundation for children as they move through the elementary years. We desire to build disciples by:

  • Giving each child an overview of the story of the Bible…from Creation and Fall to Redemption and Christ’s Return,
  • Introducing each child to Jesus Christ and helping them understand their need to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord
  • Teaching them about their Bibles…from where it came from to how to study it

Training them to “Go into their world” and live for Christ.

The Sunday School hour at JBC follows our main worship hour, running from 11:00-11:45. We would love to meet you and welcome your children to our classes. If you have further questions, feel free to contact the JBC office at 896-8294.