Gather with us on Sunday, May 17- 11:00 a.m.!
Good things come when believers knit together. Doesn’t the word, “knit” paint a picture? Individual strands being joined together, bound, tied, and interlocked so that a useful product is made. Our enemy, Satan seeks to separate and unravel believers from one another. Our Lord Jesus Christ seeks to draw us together around the truth of His Word, and the fellowship we have in His Spirit.

In Colossians 2, the apostle Paul mentions a few sanctifying graces that come as an offshoot of being knit together with others in the local church: Strength, assurance, accurate knowledge of Jesus Christ. These, among other blessings underscore how important it is to be connected to and gathering with a local church.
On Sunday, May 17, we plan to join together for worship at 11:00 a.m. in the JBC parking lot. Knowing that God has called us to gather together (Hebrews 10:25), we ask you to pray that God will enable us to do this. Please note the following plans and considerations:
- If you or your family are ill, we ask that you please stay at home on that day.
- A pre-recorded sermon will be available at 11:00 a.m. on our website homepage (scrolling banner) for those who are unable to attend.
- Parking lot attendants will direct the flow of traffic into and out of our parking lot.
- To free up parking spaces, please come in as few vehicles as will accommodate your family.
- Printed copies of song lyrics, sermon notes, and kids resources will be handed to each car. If you would rather not accept printed materials, feel free to decline.
- The service is planned to last just under an hour.
- The singing and preaching will be transmitted to your car radio. The specific frequency will be announced at the time of the service.
- There will be no need for you to step out of your vehicle during the service.
- If you choose to do so, please respect those who desire social distancing.
- Bathrooms will be available in the building, monitored and sanitized by attendants.
- There will be no childcare.
- Masks are not required.
- In case of rain, we plan to continue with our service.
- If weather becomes hazardous, please check our website, your email, and local news media outlets for possible cancellations.
We have an open door to honor our Lord by worshiping together this coming Sunday. Let’s walk through this door together!
“Our Father in heaven, You are holy. Your sovereign power over our world and lives is beyond our understanding, and yet we thank You for it. We trust You. We wait for You. We seek to obey You. Father, we ask that our church would be enabled to exalt Your Name together this next Sunday. May we honor You. May we proclaim Your Word. May we be a blessing to one another on that day. May we, by simply gathering, be a testimony to our community of the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ. In His Name we ask these things, amen!”
Pastor Shawn