I went bowling with Batman the other day (see video below). Turns out he’s a pretty good little bowler. I’m guessing it’s the crazy cape that makes the difference. It does seem strange that a virus gave me extra time to be with him. To be bowling in the middle of a virus pandemic just doesn’t seem right.
So that got me thinking. The sheer delight of watching my son knock down one pin after another at the end of our driveway was a priceless gift from God. How does God use something like Covid-19 to remind me once again of how deeply I love someone with Trisomy-21? These are the things that seem “bad,” but actually show off the goodness of God. There are many of God’s ways that we simply cannot understand. Aren’t you glad?
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How . . . untraceable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord?”
Romans 11:33–34, HCSB
I have to believe that I’m not alone in this. There are many people who see God working all things for their good, even in the midst of “bad” stuff. If not a virus, the “bad” is cancer, Parkinson’s, a lost job, a broken marriage, a child on the run, a house fire, natural disaster . . . ad infinitum. He is working all things for our good. This means dear Christian, that you can truly say you are never alone. Think about that, “never alone.” Your Father in heaven stands with you no matter how lonely you feel in that quiet house, or confused, or powerless. Never alone.
Thomas Watson said. . .
“Observe the happy condition of every child of God;—all things work for his good, the best and worst things. The most dark, cloudy providences of God have some sunshine in them. When God lays men upon their backs, then they look up to heaven. See here the wisdom of God, Who can make the worst things imaginable, turn to the good of the saints; He can, by a Divine chemistry extract gold out of dross. God works strangely; He brings order out of confusion, harmony out of discord. God often helps when there is least hope, and saves His people in that way, which they think will destroy. God’s ways are “past finding out” (Romans 11:33).[1]
So, as your troubles come nearer, take comfort, God’s grace has already gone ahead and made the way. Enjoy His grace!
Oh, and one more thing . . . . if you happen to have a “Batman” living in your house, remember to take him bowling; he’ll love you for it!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Shawn & Batman

[1] Watson, T. (1846). A Divine Cordial, (p. 65). The Religious Tract Society.