The Scriptures
We value the absolute authority and complete inerrancy of the 66 books of the Bible. This is our foundation for biblical doctrines and our standard for all we believe, all we preach, and all we teach in every venue of the JBC ministry.
We value the vital importance of both collective and individual worship. In coming together as a church, the preaching of God’s Word, every aspect of the music, the times of prayer, the giving of tithes and offerings, and acts of service are all aspects of our worship of God. Individually, we worship God during our times of personal and family devotions, the reading and study of God’s Word and prayer, as well as through holy living.
Great Commission
We value the critical importance of the proclamation of the Gospel to those in our community as well as throughout the world. Personal evangelism and the discipleship of new believers is an important aspect of local church ministry. Partnership with missionaries and ministry organizations in various parts of the globe is one way we are able to reach those who are not easily accessible to us.
Leadership Development
We value the development of leaders who will serve in harmony with biblical instruction. In all church ministry (elders, deacons, ministry leaders) as well as in families, leaders must be prepared to complete the tasks given to them.
Body Ministry
We value the importance of the local church and the ministry of the body of believers. It is vital to the health of the church for members to be unified in purpose, providing care for those in need, using their gifts to serve one another, having true fellowship, and growing in meaningful relationships.
We value seeking God through prayer: both individually and corporately. As modeled by the early church throughout the book of Acts, devotion to consistent prayer declares our full dependence on God, our submission to His will and our belief in His supernatural power to do exceedingly abundantly all that we ask or think.