An invitation to audibly insert your own response, “He is risen indeed.”
What if it doesn’t feel like Easter today? What then?
Christ Is Risen . . .
What if you woke up today, and it seemed like any other day? What then?
Christ Is Risen . . .
What if all of your traditions for Easter are out the door? What then?
Christ Is Risen . . .
For Christians who cannot gather, whether by persecution, isolation, or even as missionaries in remote areas of the world.
Christ Is Risen . . .
The resurrection of Jesus was foretold, and shown openly. (Psalm 16:10; Acts 10:40)
The same Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead, now lives in us. (Rom. 8:11)
If we are united in His death, we are also united in His life. (Rom. 6:5)
The resurrection of Jesus is the seal of our hope, the certainty of our own resurrection. (1 Cor. 15:17; Phil. 1:21)
Let’s turn our hearts to thankfulness.
Christ Is Risen . . .
Let’s turn our minds to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Christ Is Risen . . .
Dear Brother or Sister, your hope is alive because Jesus is alive.