It is my joy to introduce you to Jamestown Baptist Church. As our motto, we have purposely chosen the words, “Exalting Christ – Loving People.” Above all else, this is our goal.
In all we do, we want to exalt Jesus Christ. Believing in the absolute authority of Scripture for all of life, we believe He is our Savior and Lord; He is the reason we gather as a church to worship our Lord, learn from His Word, serve as He enables us, and fellowship with one another; He is our hope for today and all eternity.
Because of Christ’s love for us and our love for Him, we are compelled to “Love People.” Believing our Lord has placed us together in the “body,” by the local church, we are compelled to help each other, and to reach out to others in their needs.
We believe the Christian life begins at the moment of our salvation. If you are uncertain about your relationship with Jesus Christ, or have questions about the assurance of salvation, please do not hesitate to talk with me, or any of our leadership. We love talking about Jesus.
We would like to hear from you. Click the Feedback link in the top menu bar and get in touch with us. Also, look around the website for more information regarding the ministries of Jamestown Baptist Church.
Sincerely in Christ,
Shawn DeJong
Senior Pastor